
Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War - Tamra Bonvillain, Angel Hernandez, Stephen Molnar, Mike Johnson

Disclaimer: ARC via Netgalley.


                I have never been a reader of Green Lantern, so in fairness, I cannot comment on the accuracy of Green Lateran and the Lantern Corps.


                The idea behind the series is obvious – Green Lantern meets Star Trek (the new movie version).  Without giving away too many spoilers, some rings are found by an away team, some new bearers of the rings occur, and there is kick assery.

                It’s pretty entertaining and funny at the same time.  The ones that the rings chose are interesting and cool choices.  There is a false note of a quasi jealous Uhura- it doesn’t quite fit and the potential sub plot, if it was ever that, is dropped.   The action moves quite quickly and combines much of what makes Star Trek, well Star Trek.  The idea of exploration and new wonder is present and nicely used.

                I do wish Uhura had been given a bit more lines, for at one point it becomes the Kirk, Spock, and Green Lantern show for a few pages.  I should point out; however, that ever since I first saw the original Star Trek, Uhura has always been my favorite character.  Overall, I loved how she was used in the story, just wanted her to have more lines.

                It was a fun read.