Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil - Ron Rosenbaum The question of why is a powerful question. You can reduce anyone to a mass by simply repeating it. Of course, the drawback to such a question is the fact that some answers reduce things to a too simple answer or too make things too complicted. Or worse, offer an excuse. Sometimes the answer should be, as Rosenbaum argues here, because of evil.That question of why is what makes us human; we must questionn why people break the role of humanity. But it can also cause others to feel that they have the be and end all of the question and any other why is wrong. This too is a strike aganist humanity. Rosenbaum takes these points and traces the debate over what moved Hitler, why Hitler did. And boy, silly me just thought it was because Hitler was an evil jerk. Rosenbaum seems to reach this conclusion too.