Dark and Stormy Night

The Finest Hours: The True Story of the U.S. Coast Guard's Most Daring Sea Rescue - Michael J. Tougias, Casey Sherman

I like shipwreck stories.  I don't know why.  I just do.  It's evil of me I know.  This is actually a pretty good history of a famous Coast Guard rescue after World War II.  In fact, several of the seamen had fought in the War and compared the War to the explosions that they heard while on the ships.   The thing is that it is a freak of winter storm, tied to two oil freighters that both broke in half.  The Coast Guard rushes to the rescue.  


The one draw back to the audio is that a few times I got the ships confused.  Something that would not have happened with a print version.  The authors also take about the preservation of the rescue ships.