Horror Square

House of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski
I'm not quite sure what I just read.

On one hand, this is a haunted house mystery. On the other hand, it is a family drama. On a third hand (or on a foot), it is a story by two men(?) who may be losing it.

But parts of it are quite scary. 

Do not read in ebook format.

It takes a bit to get into. But once you let yourself get into the book, it does take you away. 

It is very, very, very, very, very male driven.

But what I enjoyed best about wasn't the horror or the plot. It was the mocking of literary and film criticism. That is really the most brilliant part of the book, especially the interview section. Parts of the book scare you half to death, and then you burst into laughter.

Either way, you stand a good chance of peeing youself. Fair warning.