Out Now

I am not a fan of Taylor Swift’s, but I think many times she gets unfairly criticized. No, I’m not talking about the whole thing Kim and Kanye or her copying/ripping off of Beyoncé, I’m taking about comments about her personal life. She’s not married. She can date as few or as many men as she wants. Also, people need to stop asking her about her womb. It isn’t our business. I mean, do they ask men about their ball sacks?
I am an unmarried and childfree woman and for years, I have been asked questions about my womb. It’s nice to know that my reactions to the question and the response to my answer are not things that just I experience.
Blackstone’s first book isn’t perfect. She cites and uses endnotes. She uses up to date studies. At times, though, I found myself wishing there were a bit more studies, a bit more interviews. Sometimes this was because I read the source she was referring to, sometimes because I just wanted more. This isn’t Blackstone’s fault – there are, I believe, fewer studies. And sometimes it few like a list of this is what the interviewee said.
Yet, speaking as a woman who doesn’t who have children, it was refreshing to read this and to see that one is not the only. And it does offer a rebuke to those who think the childfree people are some how lesser than. Along the way trends in family structure and child reading are discussed.
While the book is very general, at times Blackstone does give more information and direct the reader to other sources. This is particularly about black childfree people and less so about men. Even though the afterword is provided by Blackstone’s husband Lance, I found myself wishing there was a bit more about men. This isn’t to say that Blackstone doesn’t give space to men, she does, I just wanted a bit more.
A good informative read.