Kindle Children Books Freebie Round Up

Carol's Quest for Courage - JoAnn Sky There's a Unicorn in the Garden - Katy Brown Save the Arctic - Bethany Stahl Nobody's Cats: How Little Black Kitty Came in from the Cold - Valerie Ingram, Alistair Schoff The Travelling Circus - Mark Watson

The books in this round up are pretty good.


Nobody's Cats - good cat story about a community that takes care of stray cats.  Happy cat story.  Based on a true story.


There's A Unicorn in the Garden- yeah, yeah an instead of a.  Yet despite that, the story is nice and cute.  It is a good problem solving story.  And the art work was nice.


The Travelling Circus- spooky book.  If you have kids, you might want to read it first.  It is ideal for the Carnival square.  It was a good story.


Save the Arctic-  a bit preachy, but nice little story.


Carol's Quest for Courage- a nice story about a dog and a girl finding courage together.