A Long, Long Sleep - Anna Sheehan Once upon a time, there was a television series called Earth 2. It got stuck in a really bad time slot and sadly, lasted only a season. It was about a bunch of people who were colonizing a world in an attempt to heal sick children, but thier ship crashed so they had to do a wagon train to where they were suppose to be. It was actually really good (and not simply because the leader and the only doctor were both women). On E2, there was a character who was over 100 years old but he look 20s-30s because he spent a lot time in cold sleep. Until he crashed landed on the planet and couldn't go back into "storage" as it were. Many of the early episodes touched on his reaction to being out in the real world for so long (another reason why the show was good).I thought of that series while reading this book because Anna Sheehan deals with that idea. Taking the stores of "Sleeping Beauty" Sheehan transplants it to a quasi - Margaret Atwood future (slightly toned down for YA readers, but adult readers will recognize ie). Rose is yanked out of a Stasis chamber and discovers that she has awoken to a world that is not her own.And something is trying to kill her.It's true that Rose is rather passive in the early section of the book, but that is explained, and what comes from that is actual a good, if perhaps facile, debate about abuse, life, and choice. There is a lot more going in this book than what appears to be at first glance and that is what drags into the story and keeps you reading. The story is part debate about industry, part fairy tale, part romance, and part recovery story.