Either/Or Tag
Got tagged by:http://degreesofaffection.booklikes.com/
I feel special and loved.
Booklet or Tome: Tome. I like sinking my teeth into something. And then when it disappoints me I can throw it across the room. Booklets flap too much for this, and they don't usually disappoint. And to be honest, somethings you just want a booklet.
Pre-Owned or New -Depends. I'm good with the either. And when my brother and I trade gifts we are prefectly okay recieving used books - unless they are heavily marked up.
Historical Fiction or Fantasy-I liked both, but prefer fantasy. Actually, I prefer thier love children of historical fantasy. Hi Phedre! Hi Rushdie!
Hardcover or Paperback-Either. There are certain authors I will buy in hardcover- Terry Pratchett for instance. There are also certain books that are better in hardcover-like say the History of the World in a 100 Objects or the Complete Works of Shakespeare.
Funny or Sad - Funny. I depress myself quite nicely. Don't need someone else to do it for me.
Do You Prefer Reading in the Summer or Winter? What kind of stupid question is this. I read all the friggin time. In the summer it's nice to read outside. But in the winter you have the prefect reason not to do anything but read. And how come Fall and Spring got left out? That's seasonist, that is.
Classics or Mainstream - Both, currently in a mainstream phrase.
Guidebook or fiction - well I'm an English degree holder with a minor in History who is always debating going back to school for the degree in history. I tend to get on kicks. Right now, I'm on a none fiction kick.
Crime Novel or Thriller - Crime. Thrillers makes me laugh because I think they are like the Roger Moore James Bond movies - usually there are some that don't. I prefer being pysched out to being grossed out.
E-book or Print - I love my kindle. But print wins hands down. I mean, it's nice going to work and not having to plan "what if I finish the book" carries. But print is just nicer.
Collecting or Clearing Out - I cull, but basically collecting.
Internet or Bookstore - Internet is cheaper but nothing beats a bookstore. Especailly a used bookstore that is a fire trap. You find the lovliest things in those.
Blacklist or New Publication - Usally backlist, but there are some that I get new.
Best or Bad Seller- While considering I couldn't finish Da Vinci Code and thought 50 Shades of Grey was horrible, I think bad.
Cookbooks or Baking Books - Both.
I'm tagging:
Bettie's Books: http://bettie.booklikes.com/
Snarky Stormtrooper Pony: http://crystalstarrlight.booklikes.com/